Thursday, December 24, 2009
Day 4 of 14
Monday, November 23, 2009
Top of the morning to ya
Well, it's yet another morning where I've been woken up to the harmonious sound of dog hurl. Tank's hours of puking are between sound asleep and sweet dreams. Never has he so much as gagged during normal business hours. I've woken up to being puked on (I'll take a warm pile of vomit for $100, Alex), puking off the side of the bed (Avalanche!), to just regular old heaving on the floor. Personally, I like it when Tank gets creative with where he is going to projectile. For some reason when Tank started up this morning I started singing that song from Beverly Hills Cop, "The Heat is On" but I just replaced "heat" with "puke."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
And now...the answers to your questions!
Well trollcole, they are posers because they don't want to be their real selves...which is, dogs. They much prefer pretending to be human and I, being the nutjob that I am, take pleasure in treating them like little babies. :)
The second question comes from Benny & Lily. They asked why Lucy isn't in the new Apple Mac commercials?
Sad story, Lucy was going to be in one of the Apple commercials, but we couldn't come to a monetary agreement with the Apple people so we backed out. Lucy's a star. She doesn't settle.
The third question, from Sequoia and Petunia asks what is Lucy's favorite toy?
Basically any toy that she can rip open in less than 30 seconds flat, pull out all the stuffing and then eat. She also loves bottlecaps but my mom likes to play "worst scenario possible" and said she'd choke and die on one so I've since stopped giving her those.
Fourth question from Mica. Does Tank get jealous that he doesn't have his own blog like Lucy?
Simple answer, no. Tank only wants Lucy's things. Example: I have two bones. Exact in everyway. I hand one to both dogs, Lucy takes off with her new bone and Tank has no interest in his bone. It is left on the floor while he tries to go and steal the bone that Lucy has. Say I offer to exchange said bones. I give Lucy the bone I originally tried to give Tank and she smiles and says "thank you ma'am" and I give Tank the one he wanted but now he's lost interest in this bone and will try stealing the same bone he originally refused! So, in summary, Tank loves being on Lucy's blog. If he had his own, he'd just find a way to get back on to her blog.
Thanks to Brutus' mom, Michelle, for answering one of my questions! She let me know that Tank is a possible candidate for Invisalign! I've been thinking though, maybe I should embrace Tank for who he is, accept that he is King of snaggletooths and could probably form some kind of army with all that power.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Q & A's with theplussizepug

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Scent of a Paw

I thought she was the chosen one. This gift of frito feet bestowed upon her as some sort of a healing power that would someday be used to help save all of mankind. A google search crushed all hope of what I thought might be true:

Chips and dip, anyone?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Quite the lazy day
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Lucy and the TV
Lucy watches a lot of TV because her mother watches a lot of TV. The bad thing about Lucy watching TV is she gets really emotional about whatever she's watching. There are certain channels that I don't even think about stopping at (Animal Planet being number one). I would never even attempt to watch a dog show because it would just be Lucy whining, barking, and lunging at the TV the whole time. She even has emotional meltdowns over cartoon dogs! She knows the difference between a human cartoon and a dog cartoon, who could be standing on two legs like a human, talking like a human, and she will only bark at the human-like dog. Go figure on that one.
Anyway, it's not just dogs that she dislikes as I mentioned in a previous post (she still hates William Shatner, bells and opera). Here are some more things that upset Lucy whenever they come on screen:
The guy. Hates. Him.

This dog from the Cesar dog food commercials. I don't know if you guys have seen this commercial, but in the background someone is whistling a catchy little jingle. The TV could be completely off and if I whistle this same tune (which, by the way, you should hear me whistle sometime. I'm fantastic.) Lucy will flip out and charge the TV.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Pillow Casualties
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
So it's been awhile...
I don't have any new photos to post, so I thought I'd post a random one. I can't believe how tiny Tank looks in this picture. His head reminds me of that scene in Beetlejuice where that guy sprinkles the dust on Beetlejuice's head and it shrinks.
Oh, and it's kind of hard to tell, but I'm wearing a bindi on my forehead. I just don't want anyone to mistake it for a giant zit or something.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Locked out